An Interview With Elysa Ng

Bookish Figure is the new feature on my book blog. It will be published once a month. So, I can say that it is a monthly feature portraying a person who loves books. For this first edition, I’ve interviewed a TWELVE YEAR OLD girl, Elysa Ng who owns a book blog, via email. She is also the daughter of Clara Ng, one of aspiring writers in Indonesia. Here is my interview with her via email. Hope you can get some inspirations about your bookish life. :D

Hello, Elysa. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to interview you. you own a book blog Would you like to introduce yourself first?
Okay Mpur-chan, I’ll  be happy to answer your questions one by one. My name is Elysa. I am currently twelve and a half. I live in Jakarta, Indonesia, and really have these hobbies of reading and playing with my cats. I do want to be a vet when I grow up, and hopefully, with everyone’s prayers and tons ofscience textbooks, I would be able to reach success. Currently I play the violin to ease my stress, and have a blog:

When did you realize that you like reading? And, when did you start reviewing books?
I actually don’t really remember when I start loving to read. My mom said, I had loved it ever since I was able to read. Iread books for hours to the end, in my free time, and it still happens now. I started reviewing books around a year ago when my Mom asked me to write a blog. I was so excited, and couldn’t wait to begin writing.

Why do you choose to review books?
The reason why I chose to review books was based on my Mom’s idea. I just agreed at the beginning to explore this new thing. In the end, I felt so happy, as it was a great success!

I always love your blog, Elysa. I enjoy reading it because you use various vocabulary. I always check it whether there is new blog posts or no. I think the book you read are “heavy-themed” books for those who are in your age. Do you choose the books by yourself?
Actually, my Mom always helps me choose those books, because I am still a kid. Whenever I choose a book, I would always go for ‘cat’ themed books, which would be a great disadvantage to my knowledge (and my blog too).

What genre do you like to read?
My favorite book genre could probably be drama genre books (not romantic drama though), but I also like sci-fi and fantasy, although I don’t really have that much books about that topic.

Does your mom recommend you which book you should read? If so, have you ever felt that you didn’t like the books your mom recommended to you?
To tell the truth, my Mom recommends lots of books. Not all the books she recommended I like. Some I don’t like, like some certain short story classics that are clearly on the ‘boring’ part of my book list. I often did not finish few books which I wouldn’t publish it on my blog. Sometimes, I do judge a book by its cover, and in the end, I really end up loving that book, and carrying it around everywhere.

I was wondering the way you review books. How did you review books?
I normally review books by first listing down the summary and try to make it as meaningful as possible. Then I would analyze it based on my reflection. I would list down what the book is trying to convey in my own words, and make life examples of it.

Would you like to tell me top three of your favorite authors?
My top three favorite authors:
1. Erin Hunter
2. Clara Ng (Yes, that’s my mom)
3. HiroMashima (Is comic makers allowed?)

Comic Makers? Yes, sure! ^^ How about top three of the books you’ve ever read?
1. Warrior Cats
2. The (Un)reality show (I don’t why I really love it)
3. Fairy Tail Comics

How long do you usually finish reading one book?
If I love the book, however thick, it would be done in three days. If I don’t really like it (because it is difficult or boring), maybe it would take one week or two.

Do you have favorite time to read? When is it? How do you manage your reading time since you have to study?
I like to read in the afternoon and the evening. To manage my time when I go home from school, I read in the night, around 6-8pm after I study.

Do you have any comfortable position when you read a book?
I don’t really like to read on a chair, but I really love to lay down on a sofa or a bed, but not completely lay down as it may damage my eyes. But if there is a blanket or a pillow, I would feel even more comfortable, and happier!

One of my (British) teacher said that reading is not Indonesian’s culture. Indonesian’s culture is all about batik culture, dance, music, etc. But not reading. Do you agree with that?
Well, I do not agree with it. Reading is part of Indonesia’s culture, wait… after all, reading is the whole world’s culture. There were many legends in Indonesia, and all could be written down in a book!

If you were a reading ambassador, what would you say to the people in order to make them like reading books?
I would say: “My friends, I understand that some of you think that there are other more things worth then reading, but how, you may ask, how did I reach such a high rank like an ambassador? How did all those people win those Science and Math Olympics? Why are they so smart? Why are some people very wise? Why did people invent new technology that assist humans and help humanity? The answer is simple. They read a lot, my friends. They read newspapers, magazines, books,essays, and they use them for their daily lives, making their head actually burst with knowledge! Would you rather, my friends, spend your days in the cold dark dungeon of stupidity or rather be hoisted up, smart, happy, full of knowledge and a book in your hand? Reading, I’d say, is the art of life. Read a book today, friends, free yourself. A book would make a huge difference!”

Wow, that’s a good campaign, Elysa! Bet that those people will visit your blog, go to bookstores, pick some books, and read it. :D

It’s a nice interview, isn’t it? What I like about Elysa’s blog are:
+ She always describes the author’s background and sometimes connects it with the story.
+ People said that don’t read what the other people read. Expand your knowledge. Elysa just did it! You can get book recommendation by reading Elysa’s blog.
+ Her vocabulary is various. I learn how to make sentences in English as I read her posts. How come a twelve year old girl (who is younger than me–Ooops!) can do that! That’s amazing!

Nice blog, Elysa! ^^

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